Head of Research & Sensemaking,

Associate Professor, College of Arts, Media, and Design, Northeastern University

Faculty Associate, Berkman-Klein Center for Internet & Society, Harvard University

Steering Committee Member, Design Justice Network


Director of Research & Design, Algorithmic Justice League (

Board Member, Allied Media Projects (

Associate Professor of Civic Media, Mitsui Career Development Professor, Department of Comparative Media Studies/Writing, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Assistant Professor of Civic Media, Department of Comparative Media Studies/Writing, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Fellow, Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard University

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism, University of Southern California

Knight Media Policy Fellow, New America Foundation


Ph.D., University of Southern California, Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism; Communication, August 2010. Doctoral Thesis: “Se Ve, Se Siente: Transmedia Mobilization in the Los Angeles Immigrant Rights Movement.” Co-chairs: Manuel Castells and Larry Gross.

M.A., University of Pennsylvania, Annenberg School for Communication; Communications, 2003.

A.B., Harvard College; Music, Technology, and Culture (Magna Cum Laude), 1999.


Media studies; design studies; social movement studies; participatory research & design methods; information & communications policy; public interest technology. 


2011–present: Faculty Associate, Berkman-Klein Center for Internet & Society, Harvard University.

2016-2019: Mitsui Career Development Professorship, MIT.

2019: John S.W. Kellett ’47 Award, in recognition of sustained commitment to creating a more welcoming environment at MIT for LGBTQ+ people.

2018: Resisting Reduction Essay Competition Prize Winner, Journal of Design and Science.

2010: Fellow, Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard University.

2010: United Nations World Summit Award for best Mobile Content, M-inclusion and Empowerment category (Co-recipient with the VozMob Popular Communication Team).


“Community Reporting of Algorithmic Systemic Harms (CRASH) project.” 2020-2021: Sloan Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation joint grant, Co-Principal Investigator, with Joy Buolamwini, Camile Francois, and the Algorithmic Justice League, $300k to help prevent, report, and redress algorithmic harms.

“Transformative Media Organizing Project.” 2015-2017: LGBTQ Racial Justice Fund, Co-Principal Investigator, with Research Action Design (RAD),  $250k to co-design transformative media organizing work at the intersection of LGBTQ & Two-Spirit rights and racial justice.

“Think Outside the Boss: Towards Co-Design of Worker-Owned Platforms in the ‘Sharing Economy’.” 2015: FUSE Labs 2015 Peer Economy Research Award, Principal Investigator, $25k to research power structures of peer economy platforms, and to ask, “What might it look like if labor market platforms in the low-wage worker sector were free, open source, and worker-owned, instead of proprietary, extractive, and designed to reproduce the same structures of inequality that disadvantage workers in these sectors today?” 

Center for Civic Media. 2011-2014: John S. & James L. Knight Foundation, Co-Principal Investigator,  $3.76 million, 3 year grant.

“Out for Change: Transmedia Organizing Network.” 2013-2014: Ford Foundation Advancing LGBT Rights Initiative, Principal Investigator,  $250k to conduct a strengths/needs assessment of media organizing capacity in the LGBTQ movement, and to develop a skill-sharing network.

“Civic Media: Collaborative Design Studio.” 2013: MIT SHASS Teaching and Learning Fund award, $65k for course development.



2020: Design Justice: Community-Led Practices to Build the Worlds We Need. Cambridge: the MIT Press.

2014: Out of the Shadows, Into the Streets: Transmedia Organizing and the Immigrant Rights Movement. Cambridge: the MIT Press. Available for free download, or purchase, at

Refereed Articles in Journals & Conference Proceedings

2022: Costanza-Chock, Sasha, Inioluwa Deborah Raji, and Joy Buolamwini. “Who Audits the Auditors? Recommendations from a field scan of the algorithmic auditing ecosystem.” 2022 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency. 2022.

2022: Francois, Camille, and Sasha Costanza-Chock. “Neither {Band-Aids} nor Silver Bullets: How Bug Bounties Can Help the Discovery, Disclosure, and Redress of Algorithmic Harms.” (2022). USENIX ENIGMA Conference.

2020: “Design Justice and User Interface Design.” In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1275. DOI:

2019: “Academic Accomplices: Practical Strategies for Research Justice.” (Asad, Mariam, Lynn Dombrowski, Sasha Costanza-Chock, Sheena Erete, and Christina Harrington). In Companion Publication of the 2019 Designing Interactive Systems Conference, pp. 353-356. ACM, 2019.

2018: “Design Justice: towards an intersectional feminist framework for design theory and practice.” Proceedings of the Design Research Society 2018. 

2018: “Design Justice, A.I., and Escape from the Matrix of Domination.” In Journal of Design and Science. 

2018: “Media, Communication, and Intersectional Analysis: Ten Comments for the International Panel on Social Progress.” In Global Media and Communication. 

2016: “Towards Transformative Media Organizing: LGBTQ and Two-Spirit media work in the United States,” (with Chris Schweidler and the Out for Change: Transformative Media Organizing Project). In Media, Culture, & Society.

2016: “Media in Action: A Field Scan of Media & Youth Organizing in the United States,” (with Chris Schweidler, Teresa Basilio, Meghan McDermott, Puck Lo, & Mara Ortenburger), in the Journal of Digital & Media Literacy.

2016: “Children’s Civic Engagement in the Scratch Online Community,” (with Ricarose Roque and Sayamindu Dasgupta), in Social Sciences 5.4: 55.

2016: “PageOneX: New Approaches to Newspaper Front Page Analysis,” (with Pablo Rey Mazón), in the International Journal of Communication v. 10, p. 28, apr. 2016. ISSN 1932-8036.

2012: “Mic Check! Media Cultures and the Occupy Movement,” in Social Movement Studies: Journal of Social, Cultural and Political Protest DOI:10.1080/14742837.2012.710746.

2012: Youth and Social Movements: Key Lessons for Allies.” The Role of Youth Organizations and Youth Movements for Social Change: Kinder & Braver World Project Research Series.

2011: “Digital Popular Communication: Lessons on information and communication technologies for social change from the immigrant rights movement,” in National Civic Review 100(3):29–35.

2008: The Immigrant Rights Movement on the Net: Between ‘Web 2.0’ and Comunicación Popular,” in American Quarterly: The Journal of the American Studies Association, 60 (3): 851-864. Johns Hopkins University Press.

2005: “Autonomist Tools and Communications Democracy,” background Paper for the Social Science Research Council’s Program on Necessary Knowledge for a Democratic Public Sphere. New York: SSRC.

2003: “Global Governance of Information and Communication Technologies: Implications for Transnational Civil Society Networking” (with Sean O Siochru), Knowledge Report for the Social Science Research Council’s Program on Information Technology and International Cooperation. New York: SSRC.

2003: Data Slaves: Low-Skill Infowork in U.S. Prisons,” MA Thesis, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania.

1997: “Cybernetic Delirium: Splice Edit,” in Arthur and Marilouise Kroker (eds.), Digital Delirium. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

Chapters in Books

2022: Raji, Inioluwa Deborah, Sasha Costanza-Chock, and Joy Buolamwini. “Change From the Outside: Towards Credible Third-Party Audits of AI Systems.” Missing Links in AI Policy (2022). UNESCO.

2019: “Design Justice, A.I., and Escape from the Matrix of Domination.” In Resisting Reduction: Designing Our Complex Future With Machines. MIT Press.

2018: “Transformative Media Organizing: Key lessons from participatory communications research with the immigrant rights, Occupy, and LGBTQ & Two-Spirit movements,” in Meikle, G (Ed.), The Routledge Companion to Media and Activism

2017: “Media In Action: A field scan of media and youth organizing in the United States,” in Pickard, Victor, and Guobin Yang, (Eds.), Media Activism in the Digital Age. Taylor & Francis (with Chris Schweidler, Teresa Basililo, Meghan McDermott, and Puck Lo).

2016: “A Provocation on Behalf of the Excluded,” in Friedland, Lewis, and Mark Lloyd, (Eds.), The Communications Crisis in America and How to Fix It. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 249-266 (with Ernest J. Wilson and Michelle Forelle). 

2016: “Mic Check! Media Cultures and the Occupy Movement,” In Pickerill, Jenny, John Krinsky, Graeme Hayes, Kevin Gillan, and Brian Doherty, eds. Occupy! A global movement. Routledge.

2013: “Transmedia Mobilization in the Popular Association of the Oaxacan Peoples, Los Angeles,” in Bert Cammaerts, Alice Mattoni, and Patrick McCurdy (Eds.), Mediation and Social Movements. London: Intellect.

2012: Summary of Findings from the Occupy Research General Demographic and Political Participation Survey (ORGS),” in Khatib, Killjoy, and McGuire (Eds.), We Are Many: Reflections on Movement Strategy from Occupation to Liberation. Oakland: AK Press (with Christine Schweidler, Saba Waheed, and Pablo Rey Mazon).

2010: “Mobile Voices,” (coauthored with 12 members of the VozMob project) in Minna Aslama and Phil Napoli (eds.), Communications Research in Action: Scholar-Activist Collaborations for a Democratic Public Sphere. Bronx, NY: Fordham University Press, 2010.

2009: Common Cause: Global Resistance to Intellectual Property Rights,” in Dorothy Kidd, Clemencia Rodriguez, and Laura Stein (eds.), Making Our Media: Mapping Global Initiatives Toward a Democratic Public Sphere. Creskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2009 (with Christine Schweidler).

2009: New Social Movements in the Network Society,” in Lars Rudebeck, Johan Hellström, and Mia Melin (eds.), Big Brother and Empowered Sisters: The Role of New Communication Technologies in Democratic Processes. Uppsala, Sweden: Collegium for Development Studies / Uppsala Centre for Sustainable Development, 2009. 

2005: Piracy,” in Alain Ambrosi, Valerie Peugeot, and Daniel Pimienta (eds.), Word Matters: Multicultural Perspectives on Information Societies. Caen, France: C&F Editions, 2005 (with Christine Schweidler).

2005: The Globalization of Media Policy,” in Robert McChesney, Russell Newman, and Ben Scott (eds.), The Future of Media: Resistance and Reform in the 21st Century. New York: Seven Stories Press, 2005.

2004: The Whole World is Watching: Online Surveillance of Social Movement Organizations,” in Pradip Thomas and Zaharom Nain (eds.), Who Owns the Media? Global Trends and Local Resistance. London: WACC & Southbound, 2004.

2003: “Mapping the Repertoire of Electronic Contention,” in Andrew Opel and Donnalyn Pompper (eds.), Representing Resistance: Media, Civil Disobedience and the Global Justice Movement. NJ: Greenwood, 2003. Draft available online at: Book link:

Other Publications – Non-refereed

2023: “Critical AI and Design Justice: An Interview with Sasha Costanza-Chock.” W/Kristin Rose; Kate Henne; Sabelo Mhlambi; Anand Sarwate; Sasha Costanza-Chock, in Critical AI (2023) 1 (1-2). Available online at

2019: “Designing AI with Justice.” In Public Books. Available online at

2018: “#MoreThanCode: Practitioners reimagine the landscape of technology for justice and equity” (With Maya Wagoner, Berhan Taye, Caroline Rivas, Chris Schweidler, Georgia Bullen, & the T4SJ Project), report for the NetGain Funder Collaborative (The Ford Foundation, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Democracy Fund, Open Society Foundations, and the Mozilla Foundation). Research Action Design & Open Technology Institute. Available online at

2017: “Notes on Design Justice and Digital Technologies,” in Design Justice Zine Issue #3: Design Justice for Action, Detroit: Allied Media Projects/Design Justice Network, pp. 13-24.

2016: “Grassroots-TechnologInnen: Kritische Medienkompetenz  in der Immigranten Bewegungen in den USA [trans.: Grassroots technologists: critical digital media literacy in the immigrant movement in the U.S.A],” Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen 4/2016,  pp. 68-78.

2015: Costanza-Chock, Sasha, Schweidler, Chris, and the Out for Change: Transformative Media Organizing Project (2015). “Towards Transformative Media Organizing: LGBTQ and Two-Spirit Media Work in the United States.” Strengths & needs assessment by the Ford Foundation’s Advancing LGBT Rights Initiative, Research Action Design, and the MIT Center for Civic Media. New York: the Ford Foundation. Available online at

2014: “Auge y caída de Ocupad Wall Street: cinco lecciones para los movimientos en línea.” (with Christine Schweidler y Charlie DeTar). En El Poder de las Redes Sociales. Vanguardia Dossier No. 50, Enero-Marzo 2014.

2012: “VozMob & The Institute of Popular Education of Southern California.” In Amber Hickey (Ed.), A Guidebook of Alternative Nows. Los Angeles: The Journal of Aesthetics and Protest Press.

2006: “Horizontal Communication and Social Movements,” analytical note for Manuel Castells’ research on Communication, Power, and Counterpower in the Network Society, Los Angeles.

2003: WSIS, the Neoliberal Agenda, and Counterproposals from Civil Society,” in Greenpepper Magazine, Information Issue: Winter 03/04.


CMS.362/862. Civic Media: Collaborative Design Studio. |

CMS.361/861. Networked Social Movements: Media and Mobilization.

CMS.360/860. Introduction to Civic Media. 

CMS.100. Introduction to Media Studies.

CMS.701/CMS.901. Current Debates in Media.   


November 2019: Keynote speaker, “Design Justice and Smart Enough Cities.” Smart City Expo and World Conference 2019, Barcelona, Spain.

November 2019: Workshop facilitator, “Drag Vs. A.I.” Workshop at the Boston Public Library with BPL, ACLU MA, & Algorithmic Justice League. Boston, MA.

November 2019: Presenter, Future Imagination Summit, NYU, NYC.

November 2019: Workshop facilitator, “El Despojo: Alguien ha / Has Anyone?” Workshop at the MIT Open Documentary Lab (with Yara Liceaga-Rojas).

November 2019: Keynote, “Transformative Organizing from #TechWontBuildIt to #DesignJustice.” [Re]Generation Colloquium, Ammerman Center for the Arts and Technology, Connecticut College, CT. 

September 2019: Keynote, “Design Justice: Principles, Processes, and Practices to Challenge Systemic Inequalities.” Real World: Design, Politics, Future: the Papanek Symposium 2019, Porto Design Biennale, Porto, Portugal.

August 2019: Presenter and workshop facilitator, “Design Justice and Transfeminist Speculative Design,” IDEO, Cambridge, MA.

June 2019: Invited speaker, “From Design for Good to Design Justice,” EYEO Festival, Minneapolis.

October 2018: Invited panelist (with Jeana Dunlap, Jen Grosso, Jess Myers, Peggy Deamer, and Maya Harakawa), “Design Activism.” A Convergence at the Confluence of Power, Identity, and Design, Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, MA. 

October 2018: Keynote speaker (with Palak Shah and Vivian Graubard), “Technology, advocacy, and workers’ rights.” 2018 Public Interest Technology Summit, Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Cambridge, MA. 

October 2018: Panelist (with Maya Wagoner), “#MoreThanCode: Practitioners Reimagine the landscape of tech for justice and equity.” 2018 Public Interest Technology Summit, Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Cambridge, MA. 

October 2018: Keynote speaker, “Beyond the Hashtag: Transformative Media Organizing for immigrant rights, Occupy, and Queer & Trans liberation.” International Colloquium: Youth and Global Movements, University of the Azores. Azores, Portugal. 

September 2018: Invited panelist (with Ethan Zuckerman, Yasmin Elayat, Grace Lee, and Amelia Winger-Bearskin), “Swarm: the dangers and risks of co-creation, and building ethical frameworks and protocols to mitigate them.” Collective Wisdom Symposium at MIT, Cambridge, MA. 

June 2018: Paper, “Design Justice: Towards an Intersectional Feminist Framework for Design Theory and Practice,” Design Research Society, Limerick, Ireland.

June 2018: Moderator, “Shaping Data, Shaping Power” Plenary, Allied Media Conference, Detroit. 

June 2018: Presenter and facilitator, “#MoreThanCode: findings from the Tech for Social Justice field scan.” Allied Media Conference, Detroit. 

May 2018: Invited panelist, “Activism, Social Justice and the Role of Contemporary Scholarship,” International Communications Association, Prague.

May 2018: Paper, “So You Want to Disrupt the Matrix of Domination: Towards a Design Justice Approach to Data Interventions,” International Communications Association, Prague.

May 2018: Keynote plenary speaker, “Data and Discrimination,” Data Justice 2018, Cardiff. 

March 2018: MIT Women and Gender Studies Intellectual Forum: “#DesignJustice.”

February 2018: Participant, “Workshop on Refugees, ICTs, and the Media,” MIT.

February 2018: Invited panelist, “Speaking Truth to Power,” MIT, w/Dr. Cornel West, Ceasar McDowell, Joy Buolamwini, and Jennifer Light.

November 2017: Invited panelist, “Next Labor: Designing Platform Cooperatives in a Worker-Centered Way.” The People’s Disruption: Platform Co-ops for Global Challenges. The New School, New York City, NY.

November 2017: Keynote respondent, “Inclusion in the Age of AI.” AI & Inclusion Symposium, Institute for Technology and Society/Berkman-Klein Center/Network of Centers, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

October 2017: Invited participant, “Inclusión en Acción: Encuentro de Voces y Perspectivas.” Centro de Internet y Sociedad de la Universidad del Rosario (ISUR) y el Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society (Berkman Klein Center), Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá, Colombia. 

July 2017: Paper presentation, “Transformative Media Organizing: Key findings from participatory action research across three social movements.” International Association for Media and Communication Research, Cartegena, Colombia.

July 2017: Plenary respondent, “The International Panel on Social Progress,” International Association for Media and Communication Research, Cartegena, Colombia. 

June 2017: Plenary Moderator, “Data and Power,” Allied Media Conference, Detroit, MI. 

June 2017: Workshop co-facilitator, “Design Justice Network Planning Session,” Allied Media Conference, Detroit, MI. 

June 2017: Workshop co-facilitator, “Technology for Social Justice Field Scan Workshop,” Allied Media Conference, Detroit, MI.

May 2017: Invited respondent, “Global Interventions in Communication Policy, Rights, and Justice: Reflections on the International Panel on Social Progress,” International Communications Association, San Diego, CA.

May 2017: Co-organizer, “Media Justice: Race, borders, disability, data,” preconference to the International Communications Association conference, San Diego, CA.

May 2017: Keynote (with Lili Anaz), “Resistindo à distopia – práticas para dialogar com não especialistas,” CryptoRave 2017, São Paulo, Brasil.

February 2017: Invited panel chair, “Community Leaders for Trans* Liberation,” Harvard LGBTQ Conference: Advocacy, Agency, and Alliances for a Changing World, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA.

February 2017: Roundtable panelist, “Feminisms Unbound: Trans/Multi/Mediations,“ Graduate Consortium in Women’s Studies, MIT, Cambridge, MA. 

November 2016: Panel organizer and chair, “How to Build Platform Coops: Co-Design, Lean Product Development, and Free Software FTW,” Platform Cooperativism conference, New School, New York City, NY.

November 2016: Panelist, “Media in Action: A Field Scan of Media and Youth Organizing in the United States,” Competitive Papers in Activism and Social Justice, National Communications Association, Philadelphia, PA. 

November 2016: Panelist, “Towards Transformative Media Organizing,” GLBTQ Concerns: Identity, Advocacy, and Agency, National Communications Association, Philadelphia, PA. 

September 2016: Invited speaker, “Industries of Crisis, Aesthetics of Dissent,” Vilnius, Lithuania.

September 2016: Invited panelist, “Public discussion: Role of the Museum in a Network Society,” Kaunas, Lithuania.

July 2016: Panelist, “Transformative Media Organizing: LGBTQ media activism in the USA,”  International Association for Media & Communication Research, Leicester, UK. 

July 2016: Respondent, Emerging Scholars Network panel on Social Media and Social Change, International Association for Media & Communication Research, Leicester, UK. 

June 2016: Invited participant, “Design Justice Network Gathering,” Allied Media Conference, Detroit, MI.

April 2016: Invited panelist, Technology / Affect / Space workshop, MIT Program in Arts, Culture, and Technology.

June 2015: Invited panelist, “Transmedia Activism,” Sundance New Frontiers Day Lab. Allied Media Conference, Detroit, Michigan. 

June 2015: Workshop co-facilitator, “Tools for Power.” With the Resource Alliance for Social Justice.  Allied Media Conference, Detroit, Michigan. 

June 2015: Workshop co-facilitator, “Co-Design Across Borders:” With Centro por los Derechos del Migrante, Inc.  Allied Media Conference, Detroit, Michigan. 

June 2015: Workshop co-facilitator, “Movement/Media History Timeline.” With Project South, Global Action Project, and RAD.  Allied Media Conference, Detroit, Michigan. 

March 2015: Workshop co-facilitator, “Challenges and Opportunities for Migrant Worker Protection.” RightsCon SE Asia, Manila, Philippines.


Professional Memberships

International Association for Media and Communication Research; International Communications Association; American Studies Association; Design Justice Network. 

Professional Service

2019: Program Committee, 3rd AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, February 7-8, 2020, New York City, NY, USA.  

2017: Preconference Committee, Media Justice preconference to the International Communications Association, San Diego, CA.

2016-2017: Technology for Social Justice Project, National Field Scan of technologists working for social justice, social good, and the public interest, funded by NetGain, Code for America, and New America Foundation, coordination team 

2016: Conference Committee, Platform Cooperativism Conference, New School, NYC. 

2013: Conference Committee, MIT/Knight Civic Media Conference, MIT, Boston.

2013: Conference Committee, Digital Media and Learning Conference.

2012: Digital Media and Learning Summer Institute, Mentor, Microsoft Research, Cambridge.

2012-: Track Coordinator, Discovering Technology Lab, Allied Media Conference.

2011-2013: Global Action Project, National Field Scan of Youth Media and Youth Organizing, Advisory Board.

2011: Occupy Research. Cofounder. An open, distributed network for research related to the Occupy Movement.

2009, 2010: Broadband Technology Opportunity Program, ARRA Broadband Stimulus Proposal reviewer, State of California.

Service to MIT

2012-2016: MIT Open Access Working Group.

2017-present: Levitan Prize & SHASS Faculty Research Fund Committee.

2016-present : CMS Major Faculty Advisor.

2012-2015: CMS HASS Minor Faculty Advisor.

2011-present: Open Documentary Lab, Faculty Affiliate.

2011-2014: CMS Curriculum Committee.

2011-: CMS Admissions Committee.

Community Service

2012-present: Allied Media Projects, Board Member.

2017-present: City of Boston Digital Equity Fund, Council Member.

2016-2019: Tech for Social Justice Field Scan project, coordination team and lead report author.

2014-2017: Transformative Media Organizing Project, Cofounder.

2012: advisory committee, DACA eligibility screening tool and campaign for DREAM students.

2012: Hurricane Hackers, Founder & Organizer.

2007: VozMob (Vóces Moviles / Mobile Voices), Community Board Member, Technology Coordinator, Los Angeles.

2006-2009: Garment Worker Center Radio Project, Volunteer, Los Angeles.


2018-2019: Annis Rachel Sands, Graduate RA. “Design Justice Research.”

2018: Karim (Husayn) Karimi, UROP. “Networked Social Movements: Tools for Media Power Analysis.” 

2016-2018: Mariel García-Montes, Graduate RA. “Co-Design Studio,” “Youth and Privacy,” “Design Justice Research.”

2015, 2016: Katie Arthur, Graduate RA. “Co-Design Studio,” “Co-op DiscoTech,” “Boston Civic Media Consortium.”

2013, 2014: Heather Craig, Graduate RA. “Transmedia Organizing Project,” “11MillionDreams Storython,” “Center for Civic Media,” “Promise Tracker.”

2013, 2014: Rodrigo Davies, Graduate RA. “Call to Action,” “Co-Design Studio,” “Civic Crowdfunding,” “Build Peace Conference.”

2013-2014: Royal Morris, UROP. “Out for Change: Transformative Media Organizing Project,” “Plugin for the VozMob Drupal Distribution.”

2012, 2013: Alexandre Gonçalves, Graduate RA. “Vojo Brasil,” “VozMob Drupal Development,” “Media Cloud Brasil,” “Latin American Journalism Nieman Conference.”

2012, 2013: Denise Cheng, Graduate RA. “Co-Design Toolkit,” “VozMob/Vojo,” “Data Therapy Workshops,” “Creative Communities Initiative.”

2012, 2013: Chris Peterson, Graduate RA. “Center for Civic Media,” “Undergrad Connection,” “Mapping Banned Books,” “User Generated Censorship.”

2012, 2013: Huan Sun, Graduate RA. “NGO Weibo Network Analysis,” “Global Brand Project,” “NGO 2.0.”

2012, 2013: Molly Sauter, Graduate RA. “Digital Activism Conference,” “New Civics,” “MIT-Yale-Harvard Cyberscholars Working Group,” “Center for Civic Media.”

2012, 2013: Rogelio Alejandro Lopez, Graduate RA. “Center for Civic Media,” “UndocuTech.”

2012: Stephen Suen, UROP. “Graphic design and Drupal 6 theming for”


Doctoral Dissertations

[2021]. Buolamwini, Joy. Untitled Doctoral Dissertation in Media Arts and Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Media Lab. PhD Committee member (current, expected graduation 2021).

[2020] Rey Mazón, Pablo. “The Color of Corruption.” PhD dissertation, Information and Knowledge Society Doctoral Programme, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). PhD Committee member (current, expected graduation 2020).

2019. Lee, Ashley. Untitled Doctoral Dissertation, D.Ed., Harvard University. External PhD Committee member (current, expected graduation 2019).

2018. Mehta, Aditi. “The politics of community media in the post-disaster city.” PhD dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, 2018. PhD Committee member.

2016. Selvaraj, Shivaani Aruna. “The Quest For Really Useful Knowledge: An Institutional Ethnography of Community Adult Education in the Digital Age.” PhD dissertation,  Pennsylvania State University, Graduate School, Dept of Behavioral Sciences and Education, 2016. PhD Committee member.

2013. Charles DeTar. “InterTwinkles: Online Tools for Non-Hierarchical, Consensus-Oriented Decision Making.” PhD dissertation, MIT Media Lab. August, 2013. PhD Committee member. 

Masters Theses

2018. Mariel Garcia Montes. “Just Say No to ‘Just Say No:’ Organizational approaches to youth and privacy in the Americas.” S.M., MIT Comparative Media Studies, 2018. Thesis Supervisor. 

2018. Aziria Rodríguez Arce. “Seizing the Memes of Production: Political Memes in Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rican Diaspora.”  S.M., MIT Comparative Media Studies, 2018. Thesis Supervisor. 

2017. Maya M. Wagoner. “Technology Against Technocracy: Toward Design Strategies for Critical Community Technology.”  S.M., MIT Comparative Media Studies, 2017. Thesis Supervisor. 

2017. Katie Arthur. “Frontlines of Crisis, Forefront of Change: Climate justice as an intervention into (neo)colonial climate action narratives and practices.“  S.M., MIT Comparative Media Studies, 2017. Thesis Supervisor. 

2016. Boyacioğlu, Beyza. “Zeki Müren, a prince from outer space: reading Turkey’s gender-bending pop legend as a transmedia star.” S.M., MIT Comparative Media Studies, 2016. Thesis Supervisor.

2013. Rogelio Alejandro Lopez. “From Huelga! to Undocumented and Unafraid!: A Comparative Study of Media Strategies in the Farm Worker Movement of the 1960s and the Immigrant Youth Movement of the 2000s.” S.M., MIT Comparative Media Studies, 2013. Thesis Committee Member.

Molly Sauter, “Distributed Denial of Service Actions and the Challenge of Civil Disobedience on the Internet” (CMS MS) – Committee member.

2013. Huan Sun. “The Hidden Activism: Media Practices and the Media Opportunity Structure in Chinese Politics of Resistance.” S.M., MIT Comparative Media Studies, 2013. Thesis Committee Member.